Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Normally, I'd tweet about it, but I'm too tired of the 140-character limit, so here goes:

- For the second time since the capture of Pukach, the media report that he's named those who ordered to murder Gongadze. No names are given.

The first series of reports (July 22, RUS) were then reported to be false: Pukach's former lawyer, Serhiy Osyka, said so (RUS).

We'll see how it goes this time (UKR): on Aug. 3, Myroslava Gongadze's lawyer, Valentyna Telychenko, said (RUS) there seemed to be no reasons to believe this newest report.

And here's what Ukrainska Pravda's headlines look like:

- Here's a good summary of the political situation in Ukraine the way it was in late June - and the way it still is, I guess, more or less:

Ukraine’s Political Paralysis Gives Black Eyes to Orange Revolution Heroes

The New York Times
June 22, 2009

Ukraine, which has suffered a roundhouse blow from the economic crisis, has had no finance minister since February. It also has no foreign minister or defense minister. The transportation minister just stepped down. The interior minister has offered to resign as well, after being accused of drunken behavior.

The president and the prime minister are no longer speaking [...].

- And here's why they've banned Brüno in Ukraine:

Reuters - July 15, 2009
(via The New York Times' Arts Beat Blog)

[...] A culture ministry commission concluded "Bruno" included an "artistically unjustified exhibition of sexual organs and sexual relations, homosexual acts in a blatantly graphic form, obscene language, sadism, anti-social behavior which could damage the moral upbringing of our citizens." [...]


  1. It must have been events like these that made Tom Lehrer say he'd retire as a satirist "because of unfair competition from reality" (in his case the Nobel Peace Prize for Henry Kissinger).

  2. I particularly enjoyed the Ministry's worry "could damage the moral upbringing of our citizens" when talking about ... fiction lol
