Thursday, March 23, 2006

I've just posted excerpts of Belarusian LJ conversations at Global Voices Online - here.

Zhyve Belarus!


While I was writing, Natalya Vitrenko's people have set up their tents - in between Yushchenko's - and turned the music on. Assholes. Because of them, I at one point accidentally deleted a rather big chunk of text and had to re-write. It's impossible to concentrate when stuff like Moya rodina - Sovetskiy Soyuz ("My motherland's the Soviet Union") is blaring outside your window almost non-stop, interrupted only by "Voyna narodnaya, svyashchennaya voyna " ("People's war, holy war"). Jerks.


A wonderful comment by estee to my post about Vitrenko a few weeks ago - I should have pulled it out of the comments section a long time ago:

How to explain who the hack Vitrienka is? Hey, Neeka, remember that recent local joke:

«If Vitrienko could take aLL voices speaking in her head, she'd probably reach 3% threshold in upcoming elections»..

Oh, but still some local specific: voice=vote in ukr. :=)


Tomorrow's the last day - and then it'll be quiet!

1 comment:

  1. The strongest association Vitrenko carries for me is her hilarious campaign poster from the last election.

    For me, Vitrenko will always be "the Hand Lady".
