Sunday, November 06, 2005

Woke up from Katyusha, a WWII song, blaring on Khreshchatyk, around 10 am. Reminded me of childhood.

Today's the anniversary of Kyiv's liberation in WWII.

It's always been celebrated, rather quietly, especially compared to tomorrow's date, but now people like Natalia Vitrenko (Progressive Socialist Party) are using the day for their election campaign purposes -and after a few more songs, we heard Vitrenko's voice, telling us something about "our motherland the Soviet Union." There were people with red banners down there in the street, not too many of them, and soon they began moving over toward Maidan.

Now, an hour later, Khreshchatyk is what it's always like on weekend mornings, quiet and carless, with occasional strollers walking by slowly. Nice.

1 comment:

  1. I really like those old songs, but Marenych Trio is nice too.

    I really like the feeling of space , those large sidewalks and streets. nice lamp in the photo. :)
