Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A few days ago, Yushchenko spoke about issuing orange certificates to those who supported him at Maidan and elsewhere; tonight, he spoke about "a book with photos, titled: 'And I was there, too!'" - a book that everyone would have when the victory is ours.

It reminded me of the guy who was hired after I quit my job with a U.S. NGO in March 2001. A few months later, I stopped by at the office and asked him how he was surviving the madhouse. He replied: "Work is okay, but I'm upset in general because what am I going to answer when asked a few years on - And where were you when Kuchma was being removed, during the revolution? - Am I gonna say, Oh, I was travelling the country with some Americans at that time?"

I remember telling him he shouldn't be so upset, because while travelling with these Americans he was also encountering some of the best Ukrainian professionals out there, and he was helping some of them become even better by selecting them for participation in short-term internships in the States, and if at least one of these people returned to Ukraine with at least one new skill, it'd make Ukraine a slightly better country, and he would've played a role in it.

This guy later went to study in the States himself. I wonder if he'd been able to return in time for this year's revolution, which, unlike the one in 2001, has actually happened. I hope he's here now, enjoying it all.

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