Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Another journalistic marvel from RTR (the first one's here), from the Dec. 23, 2007, show.

First, in Russian:

Тандем идет на выборы

На благо Родины

На прошедшей неделе стало ясно, что новогодние праздники страна проведет, уже абсолютно понимая, что ждет ее дальше. "Единая Россия" официально подтвердила выдвижение Дмитрия Медведева кандидатом в президенты. А президент действующий, хотя и мог сохранять интригу до мая, уже дал согласие в случае победы Медведева возглавить правительство. Точки расставлены.

Таким образом, для обеспечения преемственности власти выбран самый что ни на есть законный, но самый что ни на есть трудный путь. Восьмилетний срок президентства Путина был таким, что им и так можно было гордиться. Страна действительно стала совсем другой. И вот ответственность за выполнение задач, поставленных на будущее, берут на себя те же, кто эти задачи и поставил. Для политической системы "Путин плюс Медведев" это конечно двойная прочность, но для них самих - двойная ответственность. Поэтому вместо предвыборных лозунгов - лишь слова президента: "Нужно просто засучить рукава и работать. Работать без всякого чванства и амбиций". [...]

And a quick translation:

The tandem bound for election

For the benefit of the Motherland

Last week, it became clear that the country would spend the New Year's holidays absolutely understanding what awaits it in the future. United Russia has officially confirmed the nomination of Dmitry Medvedev as a presidential candidate. And the acting president, even though he could have kept the intrigue going until May, has already agreed to head the government should Medvedev win. All the i's have been dotted.

Thus, to secure the continuity of power, the most lawful and yet the most difficult path has been chosen. Putin's eight-year presidential term would have been something to be proud of anyway. The country has indeed become totally different. And now, those who have set the goals for the future are taking responsibility for fulfilling these goals. For the "Putin plus Medvedev" political system this, of course, means double endurance, but for each one of them it is also double responsibility. And so, instead of election slogans, only the words of the president: "We just have to roll our sleeves up and work. Work without any effrontery and ambitions." [...]

I really like the "double endurance" thing: good to know that ad writers are getting promoted this high in the pre-election Russia.


  1. I note that Medvedev's presidency has already been blessed by the Moscow Patriarch, despite the fact that the "elections" have yet to take place.

  2. Maybe he should get a blessing from Putin, too.

    After all, Yanukovych's presidency was blessed by Putin.

  3. I look forward to CNN's coverage of the vote in Russia. Will they have Wolf Blitzer standing in front of a 50-ft-long TV screen showing a map of Russia's oblasts, showing the election reults in real-time? :)

  4. I do proud of Russia and make this statement whenever I have a chance.
