Monday, June 26, 2006

Being on my own with Marta and having a slow dial-up connection isn't a good combination when it comes to writing. Here're two pictures - and maybe I'll add something later:

P.S. Mish jan, in your dream you saw 1:0 and 7:1, right? And 7:1 is the ratio of Ukrainian bets for our 1:0 victory in today's game, right? And this dream was a few days ago, not today, right? Or have I mixed it all up?


  1. Well, the light looks very pleasant there.

    Have you seen this report from Soros?

    "Riders on the Moscow Metro who appear non-Slavic are over twenty times more likely to be stopped by police than those who look Slavic, according to this report by the Open Society Justice Initiative, in partnership with JURIX and Lamberth Consulting. Riders who appear non-Slavic make up less than five percent of all Moscow Metro patrons but account for over half of all people stopped by the Moscow Metro police."

    It looks like a whole book on the topic!

  2. You've got it all right. Four more hours to see if I interpreted it right. The game may as well end up 3:0 or 0:3. Logically speaking it all depends on our guys' mood.

  3. What's this? A husband and wife communicating via blog?

    Don't you know that's what faxes are for?


  4. Urrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaa!!!!!!!!! Misha, you are really clairvoyant!!!!!!!!

  5. Well, it's getting creepy, as it was 3-0 in the shootout.

    If I send you my stock picks, will you do me a favour?
