Sunday, December 04, 2005

Thank you all for your wonderful greetings!!! I feel like printing them out and pasting into some special Marta's album - only I'm so disorganized I doubt I'll ever do this... But - thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I love you all!

Dyakuyu, spasibo, sagol, shnorakalyutyun... I can go on in a dozen more languages...


I've got less than an hour before Marta wakes up and starts screaming for food. My daughter, she likes to eat a lot.

Now that she's used to the formula bottle, she gets really angry when I try to give her what little I have of my own milk - and she gets so angry, I'm sometimes positive I hear real human words in her screams... That's frustrating and exhausting.

Otherwise, I'm the happiest person in the world. Or maybe I'm the second happiest, after Mishah:


More pictures from Dec. 3 and Dec. 4 are here.

(There's only one picture of me again - this time because, at some point, I suddenly noticed how fat I am, that double chin and all...)


I'm taking notes as often as I can, but I don't hope to be able to post anything longer than this entry anytime soon...

And please don't expect me to bitch about politics, Ukrainian or Russian, now.


  1. Many congratulations -- a beautiful girl!

  2. Congratulations!


  3. Na sas zisei! Happy Birthday Marta! Congratulations, Neeka & Misha! Yay, it's a GIRL! :^)


  4. Welcome Marta! Such a beautiful little girl born to such fine parents! Day'yiyi Bozhe zdorvya i mudrosty. Lyubovy Vona maye!

    Ptu, ptu, ptu (as superstition demands...)

  5. Bloody hell - good work and congrats and stuff!

  6. What? You want time off from blogging to take care of Marta? I'm soooooooooooooo jealous!


    The only thing that's really important is in your arms.

  7. She's beautiful! Congratulations :-))) Be persistent with breast feeding. She'll get used to it if you insist. Good luck!!
