Saturday, September 03, 2005

We are absolutely shocked by what's going on in New Orleans and other areas affected by the hurricane, and we feel so sorry for the people there, and we hope the suffering ends as quickly as possible, and I don't have anything more to say about it - except that Ray Nagin, the mayor of New Orleans, seems like a totally amazing guy...


  1. Neeka, I was scrolling and reading the posts that you had written regarding Beslan and my tears began to flow and then I came to this post. Neeka - you truly have such a deep heart - you are my inspiration. God bless you and your family. Truly, I do not know how you can ... with all these events - sorry words fail me.
    All my love and best wishes. I send you hugs and may God keep you from all harm and evil. I bow my head down to you.

    09.03.05 - 5:10 am

  2. Thanks Neeka. The feeling I have being in the States now is the same sick feeling I had in Russia during the Nord Ost siege. Everyone knew it was going to end badly, with hundreds dead, and that the government would play a role, a major role in those deaths. Then we just had to sit and watch it all unfold. Here it's even crazier, destruction stretched out across an area the size of Great Britain, every corner a new tragedy and many others now filled with tragedies that only the dead can tell.

    09.03.05 - 9:11 am

  3. Terrible, one can simply not understand why such a powerful country can not do something for its citizens, poor and black, on top of that!

    09.03.05 - 2:57 pm

  4. Yes, Nagin is amazing. Amazingly incompetent. He ordered evacuation way too late and didn't follow his own city's plan for evacuations of the helpless. I'm sure that when the dust dies down, there will be plenty of blame to go around (including at the federal level), but the performances of city and state authorities in Louisiana have been pathetic, compared to other disaster-prone states such as Mississippi and Florida.

    09.05.05 - 1:55 am
